In Jan 2003, after 25 years of sportsbikes (Jota's to Gixers) I was pursuaded (and I really do mean persuaded) to test ride both a Husaberg Supermoto 650 and a KTM LC4. I only went in the shop with the intention of buying a TL1000S. That afternoon I became hooked on SM's.
2 weeks later and I bought an XR650 that had the supermoto treatment, and I have loved it to bits. the Supermoto scene here in the UK is fantastic, and loads of us from all over the UK get together for a weekend run every now and again-see
But a daily commute of 120 miles into London saw it spent most of it's time in the garage (300 mile oil changes, 600 mile tappet checks, seat a cross between a razor blade and concrete)-no wonder I never commuted on it-that was left to either my Kawasaki GT550 or GSX1100F to do. The XR was purely and simply my fun machine.
Then someone offers me a great price for the XR which I could not refuse, and I start to look for a replacement (only an SM would do), and amongst the usual KTM/Yam WR/CCM suggestions, the MZ is mentioned.
Nice looking spec. 50 (ish) bhp, excellent quality componants, reliable, well proven engine (with loads of potential) and a 24 month unlimited warranty. The Opinions of owners were good too, although a couple said the finish wasn't too good. Mind you I used a GSXR750 as my commuter for 5 years (all year round in the UK's shitty weather), which was killed at 120,000 miles in an accident. Looked like it had done just 25,000, and we all know of Suzuki's build quality

So with all this in mind, I order a new Black Panther.
Rode it for the first time yesterday-as different to the XR as chalk is too cheese, but in a good way. The exhaust is awful sounding in comparison to the XR's White Bros pipe-too quite. The engine seems a bit underpowered (although the XR dyno'd at 53 bhp) but is still quite tight, only having covered just 200 miles, so will get better. The clutch is a bit heavy, and the gear shange feels a bit "syrupy". The mirrors are too wide (clipped two cars filtering in Londons gridlock yesterday on my first ride home), and have now been taken off.
But where they do not differ is the handling.

Now I have a SM I can use to commute on, and not worry about. The dealer even stated that modifing the airbox and exhaust would in no way effect the warranty-nice one!
I can see a long and reliable time ahead with the MZ, and with loads of these engines being tuned in the European Supermono single cylinder class, and this forum, loads of tuning to be made in the future.
Help yourself to a drink