Just Picked Up My Black Panther

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Just Picked Up My Black Panther

Postby Whysub » Sat Jul 10, 2004 2:56 pm

and am really enjoying it.

In Jan 2003, after 25 years of sportsbikes (Jota's to Gixers) I was pursuaded (and I really do mean persuaded) to test ride both a Husaberg Supermoto 650 and a KTM LC4. I only went in the shop with the intention of buying a TL1000S. That afternoon I became hooked on SM's.

2 weeks later and I bought an XR650 that had the supermoto treatment, and I have loved it to bits. the Supermoto scene here in the UK is fantastic, and loads of us from all over the UK get together for a weekend run every now and again-see http://www.supermotard.co.uk

But a daily commute of 120 miles into London saw it spent most of it's time in the garage (300 mile oil changes, 600 mile tappet checks, seat a cross between a razor blade and concrete)-no wonder I never commuted on it-that was left to either my Kawasaki GT550 or GSX1100F to do. The XR was purely and simply my fun machine.

Then someone offers me a great price for the XR which I could not refuse, and I start to look for a replacement (only an SM would do), and amongst the usual KTM/Yam WR/CCM suggestions, the MZ is mentioned.

Nice looking spec. 50 (ish) bhp, excellent quality componants, reliable, well proven engine (with loads of potential) and a 24 month unlimited warranty. The Opinions of owners were good too, although a couple said the finish wasn't too good. Mind you I used a GSXR750 as my commuter for 5 years (all year round in the UK's shitty weather), which was killed at 120,000 miles in an accident. Looked like it had done just 25,000, and we all know of Suzuki's build quality :shock: :shock: .

So with all this in mind, I order a new Black Panther.

Rode it for the first time yesterday-as different to the XR as chalk is too cheese, but in a good way. The exhaust is awful sounding in comparison to the XR's White Bros pipe-too quite. The engine seems a bit underpowered (although the XR dyno'd at 53 bhp) but is still quite tight, only having covered just 200 miles, so will get better. The clutch is a bit heavy, and the gear shange feels a bit "syrupy". The mirrors are too wide (clipped two cars filtering in Londons gridlock yesterday on my first ride home), and have now been taken off.

But where they do not differ is the handling. :-D :-D The Honda had some work done back and front (Ohlins internals used, and set up for my "pie eating" weight), which made a god difference over standard. The MZ is simply just as good out of the crate, even on the standard Pirellis against Metzler Rennsports on the XR.

Now I have a SM I can use to commute on, and not worry about. The dealer even stated that modifing the airbox and exhaust would in no way effect the warranty-nice one!

I can see a long and reliable time ahead with the MZ, and with loads of these engines being tuned in the European Supermono single cylinder class, and this forum, loads of tuning to be made in the future.

Help yourself to a drink :smt033
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Postby gedge » Sat Jul 10, 2004 4:19 pm

Enjoy it. I too went from 20plus yrs of sports bikes onto an MZ, and so far have done 2000k in about a month and a half. I agree that some of the more exotic stuff may appear more attractive etc, but as a daily commuter and weekend toy so far the MuZ has proved to be a perfect choice. Like you I am looking for some mods , first off an exhaust , whicxh Keith Cross another UK owner has kindly given the number for the company that supplies the link pipe and can. I have junked the black plastic fender and made up a short alloy plate mount with a small LED , next after the exhaust may be to scrap the headlight unit for something a bit smaller. If you find any good tuning stuff in the UK please post it up.
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Postby Brian » Sat Jul 10, 2004 10:42 pm

just wait to you get the suspension set up as well getting a exhuast for it !!! (I've got tons more preload on my rear and new Eibach front springs... big diff, I will prolly put on a heavier back spring soon)thats for starters... The Baggy was really designed to modify !!! take some nibblers to the rear fender, move the tail light in 3 " just inside of the rear fender relocate blinkers etc etc its becomes a better looker with no money out.....check out the picts in this site and you will see the possibilties... Phlat65 has done a particularly lovely job to his... mine is a little more stock looking.... Congrats on the bike...... nice to have another Brit join us as well..... :wink:
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Postby Whysub » Sun Jul 11, 2004 2:15 am

Acerbis do a rear tail piece that looks really good-the light sits just inward of the rear mudguard, and the indicators are relocated to the rear metalwork-it just has to have 4 holes drilled to fit, 2 in the mudguard and 2 for the indicators. Unfortunately, the dealer had none in stock, but will have by the time the first service/oil change is due.

I won't put it into commuting mode yet, I'll wait until I've run it in properly (although there are those of the opinion that you can rag it from the start with no ill effects :shock: ) then the mods and tuning can commence.

Gedge-do you ride out with the Solent Supermoto lot? Met a couple of them at X81's place, and at Lydd. As for tuning, I'll be seeing Steve Ruth who won the Supermono European Championship on an XTZ engined bike (Tigcraft framed?) who now rebuilds the engines for a couple of other racers I know.

And thanks for the welcome-found this site completely by accident!!
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Postby Whysub » Sun Jul 11, 2004 2:23 am

I think this is the rear mudguard the shop recommend, and have fitted to a number of bikes without any problems

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Postby gedge » Sun Jul 11, 2004 3:04 am

Haven't yet met the Solent supermoto boys due to work etc. However next weekend there is supermotot racing at Bordon ( just of the A3 / A325) below Farnham. A lot of them are going . I take it you have seen their forum as well ? another really friendly , helpful bunch...
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Postby gedge » Mon Jul 12, 2004 2:46 pm

That tailpiece looks pretty good. should take an LED ;light no problem. I will be interested to hear if your dealer can actually get hold of one as locally they can't seem to source many Acerbis parts ( and the web site doesn't ship outside the USA.. :cry:
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Postby Whysub » Tue Jul 13, 2004 8:15 am

gedge wrote:That tailpiece looks pretty good. should take an LED ;light no problem. I will be interested to hear if your dealer can actually get hold of one as locally they can't seem to source many Acerbis parts ( and the web site doesn't ship outside the USA.. :cry:

Jack Nice in Walthamstow found that he has two in stock-one has my name on it though!!! I think it is £26 (maybe less). Going there later today-will find out and let you know.

And the bike? Better than I expected, and out with the Essex lot on Sunday it showed no shortcomings compared with the LC4's, EXC's etc., despite the fact I'm actually running it in, increasing the revs little by little. Handling is good, although I will get the suspension tweaked to sort my physique-but who knows, it may be spot on.

Can't wait until it's fully run it (that will be at around 1200kms by my own methods),
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Postby gedge » Tue Jul 13, 2004 12:31 pm

If yours fits okay I shall try for the other ( if i'm not beaten to it!). Good to hear that yours is keeping up . So far Keith Cross , one of the solent members has struggled with his bike being down on power, but maybe thats just his bike . Certainly on paper they look pretty even ( except maybe for the weight....but then as I'm no bag-o-bones It wont matter too much to me. easiest 10kilos to shed on mine would be my gut :shock: )
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Postby Whysub » Tue Jul 13, 2004 3:56 pm

Didn't make it today (damn work), but will go this week. Will have to get 1st service done on mine, and also get them to fit the rear guard.

The only thing I dislike about the bike id the pipe-too big, too quiet. Will shop around for something else-which will include goind to see Pete Gibson (he of Allspeeds fame) as hwe manufactures pipes and cans for the supermono's.

Mine feels down on power compared to the XR, although they are supposed to be within 2 or 3 bhp of each other-maybe it's a weight/sound thing. But very smooth (vibe wise) in comparison. Was it Keith who said his bike is making just 33 bhp? Seems very oodd if the speed/accellaration is as expected.

As soon as I get the guard sorted, I'll post up a picture or two.
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Postby gedge » Tue Jul 13, 2004 4:10 pm

YeahKeith has his dyno'ed and it came in at about 31 bhp I think. Mind you he has about 35000k on the clock. Mine has had its first service and is run in. I got 100 mph showing on the speedo which I think is pretty good for a single although I havent really got any other experience of other singles to compare.I agree about the exhaust . apparently BSM do the exhaust and link pipe although again Keith didnt rate their can.. Mind you I have found an ad on Ebay for BSM cans starting at £69 with the link pipes for £16 . They dont list the MZ on the ad , but I reckon at that price its worth an ask ( just not this week !!!!!!!).
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