Is the 02 Baggy motor the 01 Raptor motor or 02 Raptor motor

Black Panther/Street Moto, Baghira, Enduro, Mastiff, Skorpion Traveller and Tour.

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Is the 02 Baggy motor the 01 Raptor motor or 02 Raptor motor

Postby jamboa » Tue Dec 05, 2006 6:31 pm

This is important when ordering parts in the states. Since so many people familiar with these MZ Baghira's say on a 686 big bore I should install a stronger rod I started shopping and they have different part numbers for 01 and 02 Raptor parts. I would guess Yamaha sold MZ the 01model for the 02 year MZ Baghira. Weisco is telling me he does not think I need to change the rod if I just put a 686 big bore. He does sell rods so it is easy for him to say "you do need the heavy duty rod"and make another sale. On the other hand people who sell rods will naturally tell you that you need the heavier rod since that is their business. Bottom line is how safe will you feel riding on the stock rod and not know how long it will hold up.MZ could have made this alot easier if their motor bottom end was the same as the bottom end of the raptor. The top end is the same so why not the bottom end.
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Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Tue Dec 05, 2006 9:48 pm

the part bought from mz

the clutch lever on the rt125 and saxon tour are the same for each bike
but no other bike brand or model sold in the USA uses this lever so one must order
one from bsa in the uk

welcome to the wonderfull world of spair parts

any one know where i can get a JT sprocket # JTF 558.16
i think it will work on the rt125cc motor

and wlcome to the world of bastard spair parts that fit nothing but your bike
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baggy motor,02

Postby basser23 » Wed Dec 06, 2006 8:57 am

I think it may be important to remember the xtz660 motor was around prior to the,did Yamaha use the older head, and cylinder
on the "new" bottom end? Mz sourced these from Yamaha to my knowledge. If in doubt,you could contact Barkers Bars for their rod..
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Postby DEmark » Wed Dec 06, 2006 9:41 pm

I have broke 2 rods in stock motors, I would go with the heavier rod....
2000 Skorpion Tour (bought new, died at 47,000 miles-small end rod failure)
2003 Baghira Enduro (bought new, died at 36,000 miles-small end rod failure)
2001 Baghira Motard (bought used with 4k miles on it, still trying to kill it)
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Postby DEmark » Wed Dec 06, 2006 9:42 pm

I have broke 2 rods in stock motors, I would go with the heavier rod....
2000 Skorpion Tour (bought new, died at 47,000 miles-small end rod failure)
2003 Baghira Enduro (bought new, died at 36,000 miles-small end rod failure)
2001 Baghira Motard (bought used with 4k miles on it, still trying to kill it)
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broken rods

Postby jamboa » Fri Dec 08, 2006 8:48 pm

You broke two stock rods in a stock 660 motor?
2002 MZ Bagihira Street Moto
2001 Kawasaki ZRX 1224 Muzzy Kitted
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Postby DEmark » Sat Dec 09, 2006 11:23 am

Yes, I bought both bikes new, changed the oil every 3000 miles. After the Baghira was broke in, I ran it exclusively on full synthetic oil. The only mods to the bikes were Keihin flatslide carbs and a M4 can.

I am kind of hard on bikes, the MZs outlasted the other bikes I have owned by far. If I stare at a Harley Davidson long enough, parts will start falling off of it :)
2000 Skorpion Tour (bought new, died at 47,000 miles-small end rod failure)
2003 Baghira Enduro (bought new, died at 36,000 miles-small end rod failure)
2001 Baghira Motard (bought used with 4k miles on it, still trying to kill it)
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Postby keithcross » Sat Dec 09, 2006 12:03 pm

DEmark wrote: If I stare at a Harley Davidson long enough, parts will start falling off of it :)

I didnt think you even had to look at a Harley for that to happen. :)

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Postby Wonky » Sat Dec 09, 2006 1:09 pm

LMFAO!!!! :smt043
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