Sacrilage, old age or just sensible????

Black Panther/Street Moto, Baghira, Enduro, Mastiff, Skorpion Traveller and Tour.

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Postby Hoke » Wed Nov 29, 2006 9:15 pm

Some films of what we are doing in Sweden :-)

[Some short clips -see if you can find my Baggy in it among all the KTM:s ;-)]
[From one of our wintertours] ... ed&search=

Some "downloadable" here

Greate fun :D
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Postby edec » Thu Nov 30, 2006 6:25 pm

You guys are really tough and devoted riders to handle all of that snow. :shock:
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Postby Hoke » Fri Dec 01, 2006 6:08 am

There is no doubt that some of the guys knows how to handle a bike ;-)
Driving in snow is not that hard after some practise actually, but you have know how to handle a bike in the first place. It's a little bit like driving in deep sand -if you use spiked tires like on the picture below (most drivers uses this type of spikes when driving offroad or enduro in the midwintertimes here).
(snow is ok without these, but when there is ice below it -it´s another matter...)

I drive more enduro in the winter than in the summer -it´s less washing and stuff + more fun.
But if you are driving a heavy bike like the Baggy, it´s not fun in deep snow... I rather use a "enduro"/250-bike for this -like on the picture below (my friend Otto) :-D
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Postby Hoke » Sun Dec 03, 2006 9:34 am

I took some photos on a endurocompetition that we have here in Sweden in Nov/Dec. Usually there is snow, but now it was around 10+ :shock:

They drive 280(?)km hard enduro -problably one of the hardest enduro-competition in the world...
It´s named NovemberKasan.
(use the arrows ont top to get to more photos/nightphotos)

And some short clips. ... 2268&hl=en ... 1774&hl=en ... 8640&hl=en ... 8605&hl=en ... 9254&hl=en
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Postby edec » Sun Dec 03, 2006 12:37 pm

Thank you for sharing with the rest of us :)
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Postby sapperk9 » Mon Dec 04, 2006 2:29 pm

One of the reasons, a lifetime ago, that I left the UK for Australia was having to ride on slush, snow and ice for four months of the year!!

Oz, 12 months a year of riding nirvanah...... :D
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Postby Hoke » Mon Dec 04, 2006 5:05 pm

Snow and ice are greate!
Snow and ice are greate!
Snow and ice are greate! :-D

Perth/Aus seem like a very nice place to live if you like motorsport -specially offroad :-)

You have big offroad Rallyes and stuff ... ight=perth
(one of the guys here in Sweden is involved by blood -born Aus :D )

Then you have all kind off air and water-competitions! We can see them on TV here up north...

Attila, one of the SOE-members just moved to Perth -say hello from Hoke if you see him ;-)
He has a big swedish flag on his belly and SOE.SE on his arm like on the picture
If you see anyone looking like this, say hellooo from Hoke :lol:

And then my cousin have been living around Perth for a while now to -Aus seems to be the place to be :lol: :-D

Perth actually seems a little to hot to go offroad around in the summer..
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Snow and ice are great!

Postby sapperk9 » Mon Dec 04, 2006 7:34 pm

Snow and ice might be great, if they happened at 25 oC!

As for hot summers, go south in the summer, north in the winter, I live at the Pearly Gates.....

PS will look for any errant Nordic persons.....
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