Gear shift shaft entrance leaking oil :(

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Gear shift shaft entrance leaking oil :(

Postby Blurredman » Tue Oct 11, 2016 8:09 am

Hello guys,

Unfortunately my ETZ 250 leaks oil out of the gear lever entrance..

Took a while to track it, as the whole gearbox seemed to leak out in the space of a month or two. Then after allowing it to sit, topping up with oil and cleaning the underside I've been able to get it down to the aforementioned hole.

Has anyone encountered this before?? To my knowledge, there isn't even any sealant or bearing supposed to be on there so I'm unsure how I will go about resolving this, but it isn't making my driveway happy. Nor my clutch too. :lol:

If any one has had this, what did you do to resolve it? Is it possible my clutch side casing has too much wear now on the hole? :(
1973 MZ ES250/2 - 17,000 miles
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Re: Gear shift shaft entrance leaking oil :(

Postby Guesi » Tue Oct 11, 2016 12:21 pm

There is an O-Ring with 14x2 mm.

The clutch cover must be dismantled to change this ring.
Remember that the kickstarter stays in the clutch cover....
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Re: Gear shift shaft entrance leaking oil :(

Postby Blurredman » Tue Oct 11, 2016 5:06 pm

I don't ever remember seeing an O-Ring! Thanks!!! Will look into it! 8)
1973 MZ ES250/2 - 17,000 miles
1979 Suzuki TS185ER - 10,000 miles
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Re: Gear shift shaft entrance leaking oil :(

Postby Guesi » Wed Oct 12, 2016 1:05 am

It is black :-) and hides in the clutch cover :-)
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Re: Gear shift shaft entrance leaking oil :(

Postby Andy_C » Wed Oct 12, 2016 3:48 pm


There is definately an O ring in the outer case that the gearchange shaft goes through.

O ring is easy to replace once you have taken the outer cover off.

The hard bit is taking the cover off and re fitting it !!
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Re: Gear shift shaft entrance leaking oil :(

Postby MichaelTorre » Sun Oct 23, 2016 11:59 am

If you find that cover is hard to take off,
then you should be warned that if you remove that cover
to get to your shunken and hard O-ring, be sure not to
scratch the soft aluminum groove that the O-ring rests in.

best of luck regards,

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Re: Gear shift shaft entrance leaking oil :(

Postby Blurredman » Mon Oct 24, 2016 8:15 am

I have recently taken off a clutch cover off my other MZ for other reasons, and have found how the O-ring sits in the shaft entrance.. Looks like it might be a difficult one to get to? However, I've yet to pursue this on the bike in question because the 0-ring set is still in the post, and I need to use the bike to commute..
1973 MZ ES250/2 - 17,000 miles
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Re: Gear shift shaft entrance leaking oil :(

Postby Andy_C » Mon Oct 24, 2016 1:09 pm

Not difficult to get at - trust me.

I just used an Engineers scribe to prize the old one out, and the new one just pops in with ease.

Just a shame that you have to go through the nause of taking the primary cover & clutch operating mechanism off - that's the hardest bit !!
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Re: Gear shift shaft entrance leaking oil :(

Postby Blurredman » Sun Nov 13, 2016 8:33 am

Okay guys.

Thanks for your help guys. Seal has been replaced and there is no oil leaks that I can see since the cover has been put back on.. :)

Really interesting is how the old seal semed flush with the shaft entrance, no wonder I never saw it before. i knew there must be something to keep it oil tight but it's so small.
1973 MZ ES250/2 - 17,000 miles
1979 Suzuki TS185ER - 10,000 miles
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