Kickstarter issue...

ETZ(including Kanuni), ETS, ES, TS, IFA-RT, BK, Saxon,

Moderators: DAVID THOMPSON, phlat65

Kickstarter issue...

Postby Tonyf » Mon Oct 21, 2013 3:10 pm

Hi there
I have an MZTS250/1 - 5 speed currently running ok and driving my sidecar but have noticed that maybe once in every 10 kicks it doesn't engage. it just goes down without pressure - also does it a few times so I'm figuring a strip-down..
How difficult?
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Joined: Fri Oct 04, 2013 3:02 pm

Re: Kickstarter issue...

Postby davegsm82 » Thu Oct 24, 2013 5:36 am

Essentially the same engine as my 301 and 251. Fortunately it's probably one of the easier jobs, however you will have to remove the clutch retaining nut, this may or may not be an issue if you've done it before. Thin rope down the plug'ole will lock the engine good enough to remove or re-fit the nut. It is usually all done with the engine in the frame unless there's any other reason to take it out, it's actually easier to have the engine supported.

Just remove the oil hoses and oil pump cable (if present), Tacho drive (3 bolts), Clutch cable, clutch nut, Gearchange lever, 5 cover retaining bolts. **Dont undo the kickstart bolt**

The cover will simply pull away from the engine, if you are careful you might be able to save the gasket, sometimes it rips and you will need a new one.

The kickstart gears come away with the cover, inspect them, the ratchet teeth will probably be worn or chipped, if so replace them, this is usually evident by the kickstart 'slipping' after initially engaging. They don't engage sometimes if the 'pusher' spring is weak or partially snapped. again, inspect and replcace.

Once you're done, reassemble making sure the loose plate on the kickstarter is properly orientated, the 'T' section goes at the bottom. Also if you have an oil pump, make sure you either remove it from the cases or align the drive before fitting the case, otherwise you will smash it (voice of experience).

Hope this helps.

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Re: Kickstarter issue...

Postby Tonyf » Thu Oct 24, 2013 11:28 am

Thanks Dave!!! :D :D :D
Posts: 54
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Re: Kickstarter issue...

Postby davegsm82 » Sun Oct 27, 2013 11:37 am

No problem, good luck and let us know how you get on!

Posts: 61
Joined: Tue Aug 31, 2010 6:08 am

Re: Kickstarter issue...

Postby Tonyf » Sun Nov 03, 2013 3:51 pm

Its fixed... Yeeehaaa..

Bit of a pain having to take the chair off and then finding that the fixings for the sidecar were getting in the way...

Pics of my collection are here gallery/menu.php?gallery=members&album_id=107
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