ronseagoon wrote:I have in intermittent fault on the ignition switch on my Trophy Sport, the engine will cut out and the light goes out, with a bit of fiddling I can get it to work again, I have sprayed it with WD40 but this doesn't seem to help, is their a cure? or will I need to replace it?.

I have not done it on an MZ per se, but on jap bikes I have ...
The lock assembly is a mechanical system.
At the bottom of that there is a plastic screwed on fitting with a screw driver type slot, and @ the bottom of the lock cylinder is the corresponding counterpart - aka - a screwdriver head (BTW I am describing a kawi KZ1000 type setup here, but they are all similar).
Electrical issues in the ignition lock result as a by product of the electrical part either getting corrosion, or getting loosened from the lock cylinder or well, even @ the 4 prong connector that comes out of it.
So the answer to the question as is the case 99% of the time ... open, clean, lubricate, re assemble and try it now. The above info just is to say why you need to do that.
You can lube the lock's mechanical system from the top, and when you have it out you can sit it on its head, side and bottom alternatively to get lube in all the spots via gravity. The plastic assembly fitting to the under side of it, actually is better lubed with di-electric grease. You want lubrication, water resistance and electrical insulation. However you would need to open it and you need to be careful to not break it when opening or losing the little spring and the ball etc etc.