My dear old ETZ 125 (see 125 section), has been giving me a right pain.
Got it all up and running but it had a terrible misfire. Just to be safe I replaced the points, the condensors, the coil, the plug and then the carb.
There was a spark, but it would not run. At all.
In checking the timing I noticed the voltage was under 10V, even after charging the battery. Out of desperation I attached a 12V booster and it ran perfectly. As soon as I took the booster off it died. This all sounds like a short in the system somewhere. Could it be the coil doesn't have a good earth?
Yesterday I charged the battery, and after trying all the electrics, it was still showing 12.6V, which I'm pretty sure means it's good. Why then am I only getting 10V with the points open? It still only runs with the booster fitted. Guess I could pull all the wires that aren't ignition and then run backwards from there. Bit at a time.
Any thoughts out there?