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Clutch cable problem (ets 250)

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 1:40 pm
by philtrophysport
Out for a ride today taking advantage of the reasonable weather etc,suddenly my clutch lever goes all slack on me,i initially think its a broken cable but on closer inspection I see that the nipple holder at the engine end has unscrewed itself completely leaving the cable clutching at fresh air,is there a foolproof way of attaching this holder to its threaded anchor so that it cant work its way loose so easily, when I screwed it back on I couldn't really tighten it ,so it could still theoretically unscrew again :shock: ... am I missing something?
Thanks for any advice ...Phil.

Re: Clutch cable problem (ets 250)

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 2:52 pm
by radiograf
Try a thread locking compound such as Lock and Seal from Loctite.