Plug woe's (well wot ones really!)

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Plug woe's (well wot ones really!)

Postby mhsilverw » Thu Mar 01, 2012 2:27 pm

After a 'shakey' start with the recently acquired Supa5 - it ran ok for a short spell then died and refused to start.... :oops:

Investigations found sparks from the plug so it wasnt electics... :?

So peering into the tank found some fuel + some "rusty" looking tank insides. :(

After some cleaning and sloshing the tank about it seemed that some rust and lumps of 'goo' (old petseal type stuff?) a-plenty. :shock:

So more cleaning and off with the fuel hose and inline filter to replace, some cleaning of the carb, some new fuel (mix 1:50 with good quality 2-stroke oil) then started again....and seems 'strong'. :-)

Guessing this may have been a combination of 'long-standing', corrosion, some 'tank-sealant' (that isnt sealing anything any more...ethanol affected?) but its running again. No leaks as yet so not sure why the 'gunge' was in the tank! :!:

Anyway got me wondering about spark plugs and spares.

After reading and article on the web "Mind The Gap" about a guy who acquired an ETZ 250 (so not quite the same as the TS250/1) and set off to Ireland and had problems with an NGK B8HS-10 and then when changing that was (or had to) re-gap the plug a few times in his travels.

What plugs should I get?

I am a bit confused by a (huge) range of numbers and styles of plug - V-this, Iridium that, Platinum here....(and this is only NGK!).

The aforementioned B8HS-10 from the guy with the ETZ, and then BP8HS; B8HVX; BR8HIX..... :?:



Gear Oils are a bit puzzelling too. I seem to recall long ago using Castrol EP90 or I think EP90W but cant find that. Now I know that was a long time ago - but what is recommended these days?
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Re: Plug woe's (well wot ones really!)

Postby radiograf » Thu Mar 01, 2012 3:54 pm

I would personally recommend the iridium plugs. From personal experience I know they are fit and forget. NGK reccomend a BR8HIX, where B means the thread diameter, R its got a resistor fitted, 8 is the heat range, H means is a short lenth thread, and IX , iridium. I use a BPR8HIX, as this has a projector nose (P), this helps reduce fouling as its in the combustion chamber. If you are still on 6 volts, I suggest as this plug has a built in resistor (for radio suppresion) that you fit an unsuppressed plug cap. LZFH is the NGK code for this.
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