etz251 bulbs.

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etz251 bulbs.

Postby Steve1200s » Mon Dec 19, 2011 8:50 am

Are there any aftermarket headlight bulbs (not main beam) that are better than the stock items?

The light is terrible on my ETZ, but I dont want to put anything in that will drain the battery faster (the guy who had the bike before me ran it on main beam all the time, but had to charge the battery up every weekend!), so I'd rather not go down the halogen route.

Are there LED options? or can I wire a 12v LED cluster/strip into the bulb socket? I'm not worried about seing more (I only ride where there are street lights, and the main beam is fine for the occasional dark roads), but want a brighter light to be seen.

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Re: etz251 bulbs.

Postby radiograf » Mon Dec 19, 2011 3:23 pm

Before you start changing bulbs, check all your contacts are clean, especially the earth ( ground in USA). I would also reccomend running a seperate earth wire to the battery from the headlamp. Also check your alternator/ charging output. If all else fails try using a larger battery, a Varta ytx12bs will fit in the holder if you remove the original battery strap and tooltray. As the negative terminal is on the other side you will have to make up a longer lead.
You can save a few watts by fitting an LED tail bulb, this will need a blocking diode fitting into the wiring on the stop filiment as the parking light will flash on every time that you brake! Its also possible to replace the parking light in the headlamp with an LED, all parts available from EBAY of course.
If you have the old style mechanical voltage regulator I would thoroughly recomend you replace it with an electonic one, as these use less power to operate.
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Re: etz251 bulbs.

Postby Old Dog » Tue Dec 20, 2011 2:15 am

I am amazed the lengths people will go to work around a problem. Clearly there is a problem. First thing clean up the earth points one midship and the other in the headlight shell. Then check that the charge system us working. I too would recommend a solid state reg/rec. Simply because they are more straight forward for lay people like me. MZs generally are excellent on the lights department so fix it not work around the problem.
All the best

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Re: etz251 bulbs.

Postby Steve1200s » Tue Dec 20, 2011 8:21 am

I'vebeen running the bike with the main beam on and it isnt taking a toll on the battery. I think the reason the previous owner had trouble with the battery because he put a tiny one in to fit under the seat. ive put a proper size on in and its fine. wiring has been checked and is fine, as is the charging output. the light doesnt change with engine revs, so I guess the electrics are fine.

i just thought the stock bulb was crap.....which it clearly is.

The main beam is very good, just the 'running light' (maybe this was the origonal 'parking' light?) that is crap. maybe what I think is the main/full beam is just the standard dip beam....

I'm sure I figure it out.
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Re: etz 251 bulbs.

Postby Skorpion » Tue Dec 20, 2011 12:15 pm

By eck Steve1200s,

I know us Yorkshire men are supposed to be tight, but running round with the parking light on ?, e lad will cost more in carrots to see in the dark. :)

Just remember three types of illumination at the front, Parking, Dip Beam, Main Beam. :smt023
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Re: etz251 bulbs.

Postby radiograf » Tue Dec 20, 2011 2:02 pm

Reminds me of a friend of mine many years ago who had a simular problem, main beam was fine ,but dip had suddenly gone bad. On checking, I found , as you may have guessed, the dip filiment had blown!
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Re: etz251 bulbs.

Postby Steve1200s » Tue Dec 20, 2011 4:54 pm

Lol, yea, got to make those bulbs last! ;)

But seriously, the bike has been modified so much I'm not sure what's cracking off with it...

Plus, (I'm going to show youth here) what the hell is a parking light?! Well, I know what it's for, but all my bikes have had full running lights (dip beam) that are on all the time, and a main beam switch. Never had a parking light...

I do think by the sound of things, the parking light has been wired into the ignition, and turning the headlight on goes straight to main beam.

I'll figure it out this weekend. Or probably more likely next week thinking about it, Mince pies, wine and an old bike in bits. Sounds like a recipe for some head scratching! :shock:
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Re: etz251 bulbs.

Postby Steve1200s » Wed Dec 21, 2011 3:22 am

all sorted!

Yes, I'm just stupid when it comes to old bikes..... The parking light had been wired into the ignition, there is a main and dip beam aswell.

And what do you know, I just have to turn the key another stop and the dip beam comes on! what a dunce! :lol: bet everyone everywhere knew that except me. :oops:
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Re: etz251 bulbs.

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Wed Dec 21, 2011 10:07 am

do not fell bad about the mods

i bought a traveller last year and have spent most of a year getting the mods removed

what a pain now it runs good

and can actually be ridden without scaring your self

it was geared so tall that it was hard to ride in town

15mph school zone speed limit was slip the clutch in first gear and still be going to fast
and after market turn signals that did not work correct...

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Re: etz251 bulbs.

Postby radiograf » Wed Dec 21, 2011 3:51 pm

When I where but a lad (1960's) there was a legal requirement for a vehicle lt have a light on front and rear when parked on the street at night, hence parking light.
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Re: etz 251 bulbs.

Postby Skorpion » Wed Dec 21, 2011 5:34 pm

radiograf wrote:When I where but a lad (1960's) there was a legal requirement for a vehicle lt have a light on front and rear when parked on the street at night, hence parking light.

I think that still applies on any road not in a 30mph area, :shock:
Round here the police would regularly have a purge on cars parked on a 40mph road that did not have parking lights on.

Also driving on parking lights outside a 30mph area is illegal, and not recommended inside.
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