ETZ 250

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ETZ 250

Postby MassMzer » Fri Sep 02, 2011 11:49 am

HI my name is Paul and I have happened to get an ETZ 250 as my first bike! I have always thought about motorcycle riding and never thought I would go through with it until I went on Vacation to Poland were I fell in love with my uncles ETZ 250.(Picture is attached) I have no experience what so ever on repairing a motorcycle but I've heard with the right manual and instructions fixing up a 2 stroke should some what an interesting project for the winter. I am having the motorcycle shipped from Poland to the States where I will be ridding it. As a beginner motorcyclist I think the smaller engine (compared to the local 650-1200cc bikes for sale) and the price is right since the bike was free and shipping is around $650 USD. However I have a couple of concerns,
Parts as far as i know the bike is in working condition and nothing is broken, except for one thing that I will explain later, Anyone know a person selling MZ parts in the States?

Second, I did hear about a story about someone trying to bring in around 1000 MZs in the States but customs didn't allow. I was wondering if someone might have tried to bring in a MZ somewhat recently and if they had any problems through customs?

Third and Last, When I saw the bike I asked my cousin (who has been taken somewhat care of it) about the bike so he pulled it out. However he did not start it through the kick start but rather had me push him so he would gain momentum before starting the bike. I was wondering if anyone might know the reason behind that?

I have been trying to find out more about the ETZ 250, I have looked through some of the forums to take notes and keep in mind for when mine arrives, but can anyone tell me or link the specs of these bikes? I have looked around the internet but the few sites I have found differ in information. ... 020430.jpg
Link to the Bike hopefully it works I was wondering also if anyone might have a keen eye and tell me which model year it might be.

Thank you and I am already happy I have joined since there is such a wealth of knowledge about these bikes!
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Joined: Thu Sep 01, 2011 10:53 pm

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