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mz etz wheel biger help

PostPosted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 5:01 am
by webhead
hi there anyone know of some wheel that are wider ,i want to try and get a supermoto look , is it poss or have i got no chance lol.


Re: mz etz wheel biger help

PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2011 8:47 am
by claude
I can help you : I didn't modify my 250 ETZ as a supermoto but to get a super look, in modfying many things like the rear wheel (wider and in 17'), the tank, the seat, the top-cylinder, the rear fender, and the exhaust. To get a seventies motorbike look, like the beautiful italian trial motorcycle...

You will discover these improvments in the 2 links below, first the main page, second the gallery, third all the detailed mods including the engine (crankshaft, clutch...), the frame, the body. ... uille7.htm

I did the same with my 150 TS (but the link below is unfortunatly not translated into English yet): ... uille2.htm

And the main page of my website: