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emergency start !!!

PostPosted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 2:38 pm
by bob griff
hi my 1986 ts 125 always started no probs untill today i tried to start her up but noticed i had no ignition lights , i checked the battery it had 1 volt in it . i remembered the previous owner telling me it had an emergency start position on the igniton switch i turned the switch anticlockwise as far as it would go i think this is correct .but the mz still would not fire i took the plug out and not even the most feeble spark, does anyone have an idea why the emergency start wont work ,meanwhile i will charge my battery and try again cheers bob.

Re: emergency start !!!

PostPosted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 3:06 pm
by Adrian
Well, in theory it should but I can honestly say that having owned half a dozen TS 125s, 150s and supafives I have never been able to make the emergency system work on any of them!

The secret of a happy MZ is a full battery and good charging system.

All the best


Re: emergency start !!!

PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 10:06 am
by JDB
Got a TS150 same switch never been able to start with kick start but it will bump start & also continue to run if you have it running normally and then switch to emergency pos.

Re: emergency start !!!

PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 12:52 pm
lot of older bikes had this feature
but i have found you had to run them off a hill and bump start in second gear
had an old one once used a 6volt dry cell battery from big flash light
and a push button put it in to the e/start position
hold button down and when it started let off button so you do not kill the dry cell

if the mz is your get to work daily driver see this site for electrical upgrade
this is not cheap but the way to get it to run the best it can