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TS 125/2 Oil/Fuel leak from exhaust?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 8:37 pm
by LaufeyLaudes
'Allo all, was wondering if you could advise me on why my TS 125 Two Stroke is leaking oil from the exhaust? It's not leaking from the end, but rather from the point adjoining the pipe coming from the engine and the exhaust proper.
this is just an example image to show where the leak is, my bike is not this clean or nice looking.
there's a couple of other things that bother me too, the throttle twist grip is held in place by a phillips head screw that likes to sometimes rip itself out if I lean too hard to one side. would it be alright to just drill a larger hole into the handlebars and replace it with a proper bolt?
more serious is that the seals on the engine may well be going, according to a mechanic I took it to I have air leaks into the engine. He adjusted it to rev lower, and it will pass an MOT (once I have sorted some other things on it) but once I have the dosh I really need to look at replacing this engine or repairing the crank seals and maybe bearings too.

Anyway all problems aside it it's a great bike and I can't wait to get riding on it!

Cheers much,

Re: TS 125/2 Oil/Fuel leak from exhaust?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 19, 2021 3:31 am
by Kruh
Perhaps there's some damage (dents or something) at that exhaust connection or the clamp is just loose.
Since there is no seal there, a slight leak is possible and you can fix that witha little bit of gasket maker (rtv). But if its leaking is excessive, there could be more issues than just a bad connection. Maybe your seal is leaking gearbox oil, the carb might leak fuel or is just worn, etc.

The throttle is originally held in place by a plastic bar end. So to fix that, you need a new bar end. Either the original type, or any universal bar end. I find those universal bar end "weights" to be more conveniant. Once they are thightened, they are more solid.

Re: TS 125/2 Oil/Fuel leak from exhaust?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 19, 2021 5:55 am
by Puffs

Re: TS 125/2 Oil/Fuel leak from exhaust?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 19, 2021 6:28 am
by dave47
Your handlebar is not standard and neither are the bar ends, but can't you just hold the screw in place with insulating tape.

Re: TS 125/2 Oil/Fuel leak from exhaust?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 19, 2021 7:38 pm
by Gerryman Ts125
The original Ts handelbar ends were plastic bar ends screwed though the ends of the handelbar (that's why the Mz O. e. handelbar rubbers always have little holes in the far ends). The throttle end was where the bar end mirror was, and held the throttle onto the bars. Omission of the bar end mirror causes this very problem. I fixed my Ts's by using the bottom of the mirror cut down (still do), or a jubilee/worm drive clip. As your hand in on it when cornering. So be quite scarey, if it fell off at speed. Ts/Es. 125/150/250 model handelbars are pretty much all the same.
The exhaust drip, is caused by not wringing its neck now and again, as the rear baffle is non removable, driving slow, also causes this mostly. It can be cured by either giving the downpipe where it meets the exhaust a wipe. Can be also cured by using a proprietary exhaust paste with a bit of drinks can. And use of a good nut and bolt, around the clamp.

Re: TS 125/2 Oil/Fuel leak from exhaust?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 19, 2021 10:53 pm
by LaufeyLaudes
Thanks for the warm welcome & advice! I found a factory repair manual linked in an older post & I know ost2rad are pretty good for spare parts, so I'll give it a go with attempting engine repair. Thanks for telling me about the bar ends and the exhaust also, I'll look into getting a new bar end, or a jubilee/worm drive clip and very relieved to know that the exhaust is mostly a case of taking it off and tightening the bolt/cleaning/sealing if necessary.


Re: TS 125/2 Oil/Fuel leak from exhaust?

PostPosted: Sat Feb 20, 2021 9:07 am
by Guesi
What oil ratio do you mix ? 1: 50 ?

Re: TS 125/2 Oil/Fuel leak from exhaust?

PostPosted: Sat Feb 20, 2021 11:20 am
by breakwellmz
Mine had a measuring cup on the filler cap that said something like " 2 cap fulls per imperial gallon 33:1" Hasn`t yours?