MZ model identification

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MZ model identification

Postby alexxx » Sat Mar 04, 2017 11:21 am

Hi Folks,

Can anyone tell me exacty what model a UK 1978 MZ TS250 is likely to be?
How can you tell a supa 5 model ( if you cant ride it)
could you have a 1978 MZ TS 250 that is not a 5 speed supa 5?
I found conflicting information on the specs for these models and years, anywhere that is known to be accurate?
Buying bike online is not easy as owners often dont know the spec
Thank you
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Location: Edinburgh Scotland

Re: MZ model identification

Postby Skorpion » Sun Mar 05, 2017 4:14 am

The Super 5 model is TS250/1 made from around mid 1970s, so a 1978 bike should be one.

If it has a 5 speed gearbox it is one, cylinder barrel & head finning stacked like a loaf of bread, no vertical finning on the head.
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Joined: Thu Mar 04, 2010 4:01 am

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