Etz 125 Saxon, Starts but no power PLEASE HELP!!!

ETZ(including Kanuni), ETS, ES, TS, IFA-RT, BK, Saxon,

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Etz 125 Saxon, Starts but no power PLEASE HELP!!!

Postby onamission1989 » Mon Jul 18, 2011 6:19 pm

Hello All,

My MZ is currently having issues with moving!!! The bike starts fine on the first/second kick, however when I click into first gear and let the clutch out the bike almost tries to stall (as if the engine is being flooded) once i get going the bikes current top speed is 20mph.

Opened up the carb for any obvious blockages and their is nothing.

The bike rode fine for 30 miles (hitting 60mph) until this problem occured, would the wet weather create this problem?
Bike is a Saxon Sportster 125


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Re: Etz 125 Saxon, Starts but no power PLEASE HELP!!!

Postby JDB » Wed Jul 20, 2011 4:08 pm

Sounds like fuel starvation, check breather hole in fuel cap and the fuel line from and including the tap down to the needle valve. Wet weather won"t help matters has the bike got a plug cap with a metal shroud if so junk it damn things are a nuisance in the wet.
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Re: Etz 125 Saxon, Starts but no power PLEASE HELP!!!

Postby Kenney » Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:45 pm

Hi Callum
I also have an ETZ 125 but mine is the Roadstar, having a similar problem to yours, but mine will only fire up and then the motor dies, have completely cleaned the carb, replaced HT lead, and plug cap, plenty petrol getting there, possibly my problem is electrical, when it was running it went well, but on occasion it did lack power, this I put down to fuel (possibly a blocked jet in the carb) it had been off the road for 4 years before I got it, hence completely stripping the carb and cleaning it.
Hope this iinfo is of use to you.
Ken :smt006
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Re: Etz 125 Saxon, Starts but no power PLEASE HELP!!!

Postby onamission1989 » Wed Jul 27, 2011 2:13 pm

The problem was infact down to the exhaust, it was full of carbon!!!

Managed to take the rear silencer off and a big bit of coal fell out.

It then ran as normal, straight up to 60mph.

Sports exhaust came yesterday so ill be fitting that soon.


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Joined: Sat Jul 16, 2011 11:26 am

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