TS-125 Exhaust blowing

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TS-125 Exhaust blowing

Postby gregtaylor » Thu Mar 17, 2011 6:43 am

I have been rebuilding a 1979 TS-125 Alpine for about 6 months. It is now almost ready to go back on the road but I am getting a lot of blowing between the exhaust and the silencer. I have taken the silencer off, cleaned up the two mating surfaces and clamped it all back up as best I can but there is still some leakage. I suspect one or the other part is now no longer properly round so I am not getting a proper seal.

Can anyone advice anything I can use to make a better seal?


1974 Honda CB175
1979 MZ TS125 Alpine
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Re: TS-125 Exhaust blowing

Postby Old Dog » Thu Mar 17, 2011 11:55 am

Hi temp silicon sealer will do the trick until the carbon builds up enough to provide a better seal.

Cheap at motorworld - no need for flash exhaust putty or anything
All the best

Old Dog

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