Supa 5 /ETZ

ETZ(including Kanuni), ETS, ES, TS, IFA-RT, BK, Saxon,

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Supa 5 /ETZ

Postby elefantmanshawn » Wed Oct 29, 2008 4:45 pm

New to MZ so might be a stupid question but here goes,I've got a supa and an etz both runners but both needing some tlc,I plan on a rebuild on the supa but was wondering if the etz motor is swappable with the ts,or if I'd be better off just rebuilding the orignal motor,not interested in going faster just going further.
Any advise is more than welcome.
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Re: Supa 5 /ETZ

Postby manumensa » Fri Oct 31, 2008 2:31 pm

¡Hello elefantman!

You must decide: original look or mix. I think you can going further with both engines.

You can see a cuban "upgrade" TS 250/1 with ETZ parts. Disc brake is a good idea.

Saludos, Manuel.
The answer is blowin' in the wind no answer :(
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Re: Supa 5 /ETZ

Postby colm54 » Wed Nov 19, 2008 11:22 pm

There are many things to consider, before you decide. Yes the ETZ engine can be fitted to the TS/1 frame.
If you fit the ETZ engine you will have to fit the wiring loom too. If you are going to fit the front forks with disc to the TS frame you will have to cut off the steering lock lug on the right hand side of the frame. If you want to retain the old style headlamp you will have to extend all the wiring as the original ETZ wiring will not reach the ignition switch inside the nacelle. The rear upper exhaust clamp has to be modified/adjusted to fit the raised silencer. If you decide to use the headlamp and clocks from the ETZ the speedo cable will have to be used as well, the speedo drive will be out a little unless you swap the rear sprocket and casings over too.

You will find that the engine is slightly more to the left in the frame than the original engine which may cause the chain link to chew some alloy from the crankcase. The rearshocks are a little different and the rear swing arm is larger on the ETZ. For more info on the TS and ETZ's come to

New to MZ so might be a stupid question but here goes,I've got a supa and an etz both runners but both needing some tlc,I plan on a rebuild on the supa but was wondering if the etz motor is swappable with the ts,or if I'd be better off just rebuilding the orignal motor,not interested in going faster just going further.
Any advise is more than welcome.[/quote]
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