BSA Regal (Southhampton) No longer stocking MZ parts.

SM, SX, RT, FunX, and models re-branded as ATK in U.S.

Moderators: DAVID THOMPSON, phlat65

BSA Regal (Southhampton) No longer stocking MZ parts.

Postby Stretchy » Tue Oct 02, 2007 5:57 am

Oh dear! was given 2 other numbers;

Pleasley 01623 810133

Graham's 01823 331397

And.............. I've also been informed that MZ manufacture may be moving back to Germany!

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Postby Bill Jurgenson » Wed Oct 03, 2007 11:39 pm

I've also been informed that MZ manufacture may be moving back to Germany!

Living here in Germany and having a lot to do with MZ, I was unaware that it had moved away. I'm sure you mean the financial holding by the Malaysians.
Both the 125 and the 1000 were developed here and are made in toto here. The machined engine casings not far from me, actually.

Only the models with xtz engine have asian parts - Yamaha, tho these could also be from the Yamaha manufacturing facility (Belgarda in Lesmo near Milano) in Italy. Paioli (front forks and some castings) is in S.Agata Bolognese and belongs to Yamaha. Grimeca, independent supplier, is in Bassano del Grappa. The engine is definitely from Japan however. Belgarda assembles their own engines and the SZR (made almost entirely in Italy by Belgarda) motor is both different and better than the Japanese XTZ used in the Skorpion and Aprilia Enduro.
Headlights are Yamaha, tailights and switches CEV in Italy again, (Tommaselli and Domino).

What I am getting at is that you are not likely to need any OEM MuZ parts except for the rubber swingarm chain guard and fans. Maybe the hoses between the carb and airbox. Or the oil feed lines and oil tank. You can easily have the oil lines pressed up at any local hydraulic (forklifts) supplier. The original plastic body parts are no longer available for the Tour and those for the Sport are getting very rare.

Where's the problem?

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Postby Stretchy » Tue Oct 16, 2007 7:41 am

OK I meant MZ would be ceasing production in Malaysia (possibly?). I'm sure they made many more SM/SX's there than in Germany, different work ethic there you know!

OK, re parts who makes the brake/clutch levers as my LH lever is a tad out of shape.

Regards from a rainy U.K.

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Re: BSA Regal (Southhampton) No longer stocking MZ parts.

Postby borisattva » Sat Oct 27, 2007 5:07 pm

**moved over from Old system**

post by SeattlePaul
PostPosted: 27 Oct 2007 08:21 pm Post subject:

Bill Jurgenson wrote:What I am getting at is that you are not likely to need any OEM MuZ parts...


The situation is different in the US.

I spent months looking for a Domino clutch lever, and aftermarket turn signals/winkers/whatever you call them where you are. Not available, either online or from shops. The only option is the MZ supply chain, accessed either from US authorised dealers or BSA.

I finally ended up ordering the lever from BSA, and fitting Buell Blast signals, which don't really fit properly but can be mounted. The signals are made in Italy, but again, no way around the OEM supply chain: I bought them at a Harley-Davidson dealer, who said most people who buy those parts are putting them on European bikes. The manufacturers and suppliers are effectively able to lock owners into the dealer supply chain. Maybe the laws or the contracts are different in Germany.

Losing BSA-Regal as a supplier is a significant loss. Without them, we are stuck ordering from MZ dealers and waiting months.

If you can point us to independent parts suppliers, the US (and I suspect, UK) MZ community would be grateful.

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Re: BSA Regal (Southhampton) No longer stocking MZ parts.

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Sat Oct 27, 2007 7:08 pm

"I spent months looking for a Domino clutch lever", quote from Paul
I spent months looking for a Domino front brake lever,
seems its oem only

i got mine from
phone: (978) 897-0044
they came in a week
ar dave

fit rt125 and saxon tour
Dave 2002 MZ RT125+1995 Saxon Tour(500cc)
1997 MZ 660 Traveller+6/13/09 WV USA
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