Vario adjustable footrests Sport

Black Panther/Street Moto, Baghira, Enduro, Mastiff, Skorpion Traveller and Tour.

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Vario adjustable footrests Sport

Postby Petrolhead » Fri Apr 22, 2016 1:00 pm

Hi folks, I fitted these adjustable footrests which are adjustable in the vertical plane through 360 degrees. The inner part which fits into the clevis needed filing down slightly, easy since it was aluminium and a thin metal sheet about 1mm needed riveting to the inside of the clevis to make the rests stay horizontal. I had to do away with the inner round spacers in the spring and drill out the rivets on the original clevis pins. A pair of 35mm long stainless M8 pins with new washers and split pins fitted well, straight through the clevis holes and the Varios. Now I have a good riding position, lower footpegs along with the VFR750 bars for a more upright position :D
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Re: Vario adjustable footrests Sport

Postby billr » Sun Apr 24, 2016 8:05 am

I will have to look into these.
I would really like a bit lower peg on my Traveller (the knees ain't getting any younger...though it's really the ankles that ache after a long ride).
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Re: Vario adjustable footrests Sport

Postby Petrolhead » Sun Apr 24, 2016 2:10 pm

The ones I fitted are from a Honda CB1000F Big One , but I think most models will fit. The Vario make are made in Germany to typical German good quality standards, not to be confused with Hong Kong lookalikes on You can get them in longer or shorter extensions to suit your leg length. The slight downside is that the foot pegs are slightly out board of where they were but I find I can reach the brake and gear change pedals ok, without twisting my foot out of line.

Hope this helps. I too am not getting younger and an easy riding position makes for a nicer ride out.
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