MZ in Oz wrote: What we may lose in outright power/performance is made up by the handling quality and corner speed these bikes a capable of...
Box-stock, the darned bike is way better than I am...
I can push myself right to my limit and the Skorp has more.
GTCarlos wrote:My goal with this new-to-me MZ is to get it set-up so it's smooth across the entire rev range. I'll install the Hole Shot pipe that came with the bike because it's a good 10lb. lighter than stock but I'll leave the jetting stock (if possible) to preserve economy.
Should be possible. I kept the Holeshot pipe on and went back to the stock main jet and kept the #40 on the pilot. My average mpg went right back to around 50 and there was much less popping on decel with the 40 on the pilot.
Drive-ability was improved also. Both my Skorpions had what I call the "parking garage cough-spit-stumble"...making the turns in the garage, never failed it would cough/spit right as you leaned into that curve to the next deck...

With the larger pilot jet, that has gone away.
Since then, I went back to the stock system to quiet things back down. One of these days, I'll get a dB killer for the can and see how that does.
Good luck, I'm sure you'll enjoy this bike.
Bill R
Nashville, TN