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Is my caliper a gonner ?

PostPosted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 7:35 am
by bigzed
Hi all,i went for a nice ride around the lanes this morning to test the baggy with a nice clean air filter,she was running well until about 5 miles from home on the return i thinks "she sounds under pressure and the engine braking is mental" i stopped and the rear disc was bound solid and smoking like a good'un :( ,even melted the dust cap on the bleed valve :shock:, i waited until things had cooled down and headed for home. The question is, are the caliper and disc totalled?

many thanks


there should be a pic here !
ah here it is !

PostPosted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 12:38 pm
by jbthumper
in my knowledge(or the lack of it),the disc should be fine.....
take out the caliper...change the piston seal&fluid...install and try it...
hopefully the piston and the caliper didn't expand enough to grind each other
if it's no good then..............................$$$.$$

well other people might have better suggestion... :-)

PostPosted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 2:29 pm
by keithcross
I would agree with the above, but might be tempted to change the disc if I could find a cheap replacement. I know the front disc from an early Yamaha R! or R6. I reckon a little research would find a Yamaha rear disc to fit.


PostPosted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 7:58 am
by bigzed
Thanks guys,i think you're right a caliper rebuild is definetly on the cards,as for the disc,i dont know whether to trust it after an excessive amount of heat like that, i think an R6 wave disc could well be on order as well. Keith,just noticed that message regarding the parts manual and the like on cd and yes i would like a copy if you don't mind,nice one.

Cheers the noo


PostPosted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 4:15 pm
by boysie
I've seen this before on a mates mastif, the disc was OK. Check there is freeplay on the lever, pull the pin out to make sure there cannot be any pressure on the master cylinder or this will happen again..