Topcase and engine guard for Baggy/Stiffy

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Topcase and engine guard for Baggy/Stiffy

Postby BlueRidgePanther » Fri Apr 18, 2008 9:11 pm

I was looking at MZ's german site and I noticed their list of accessories for the Baggy.
The list looks like this once you translate it with Babelfish:
In English:
Baghira/Street Moto fork treads plastic 73.00 euro
Baghira/Street Moto fork treads Neoprene 34.00 euro
Baghira/Street Moto/Mastiff set achievement reduction 37.00 euro
Baghira/Street Moto/Mastiff Topcase carrier (black-shining) 140.00 euro
Baghira/Street Moto/Mastiff Monday doing TZE 50.00 euro
Baghira/Street Moto/Mastiff set protective relay for motor 113.00 euro
Baghira/Street Moto/Mastiff Topcase (25 l) 73.00 euro
Baghira/Street Moto/Mastiff set sturzbuegel 139.00 euro
Baghira/Street Moto/Mastiff gas cap lockably 19.00 euro

I was wondering if anyone in Europe would be able to get ahold of any of these and possibly ship them to someone in the states, like me. Do they still make and sell these things? I'd love to have a "protective relay for motor" which I'm going to assume is a skid plate or crash bar of some sort. A topcase and carrier would be splendid if I didn't already have a tourtank sitting on the back of my bike. A locking gascap would rock too.
The bike on their site has red rims. Has anyone seen a baggy with red rims before? It looks pretty neat!
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Re: Topcase and engine guard for Baggy/Stiffy

Postby AtomicSpew » Sun Apr 20, 2008 10:35 am

Hey man-
Not sure about the availability of the parts you list, but the guys at SF Moto ( should be able to get anything that IS available to you--they were an MZ dealership before MZ pulled out of the states, and they still have a line on parts from MZ. In fact, a couple of the guys still ride Baggy's, so they're a great resource for work-arounds, too.

I can tell you that Touratech makes a bash plate that has saved my ass more than once (I came up short trying to jump a narrow creek, and the bash plate took the full impact of a boulder I hit that was hidden in the side of the creek-bed). It isn't cheap, but it's nearly bullet proof. I had to buy new hangers for it (easily sourced at my local hardware store), as the parts sent out with the plate were too small. Also, it does shorten your clearance on the road and I've scraped it before scraping pegs more than a few times when hitting my local twisties, but that could have something to do with my lard-ass 215lbs and probably not having my suspension set-up properly (suggestions anybody?)...

Locking Gas Caps are available from Acerbis directly:

Let us know if you have any luck with the other parts you have listed!
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Re: Topcase and engine guard for Baggy/Stiffy

Postby m4panther » Sun Apr 20, 2008 9:43 pm

Last year I went to germany and purchased new plastics and a sebring exhaust for my 1000s from this company

I used google translation to ask questions and read the site. They only accept direct money transfer which cost me hmmm arm or leg don't recall euros

Tell you what, I was really nervous directly transferring 1400 euros into someones bank account in another country, but I got everything I wanted. If I go back I'll put a post up. didn't cost me a dime to bring everything back to the states but I would have to ship it from new jersey paypal could be a beautiful thing
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Re: Topcase and engine guard for Baggy/Stiffy

Postby BlueRidgePanther » Tue Apr 22, 2008 11:39 am

AtomicSpew wrote:Also, it does shorten your clearance on the road and I've scraped it before scraping pegs more than a few times when hitting my local twisties, but that could have something to do with my lard-ass 215lbs and probably not having my suspension set-up properly (suggestions anybody?)...

Perhaps it's not the best solution for me, then, as I weigh upwards of 250...and you thought YOU were a lard ass! :smt005
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Re: Topcase and engine guard for Baggy/Stiffy

Postby m4panther » Tue Apr 22, 2008 3:11 pm

You jolly Fat bastards :-D LoL

I just dropped twenty pounds since november just by changing my diet I'm wieghing in at 203
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Re: Topcase and engine guard for Baggy/Stiffy

Postby AtomicSpew » Tue Apr 22, 2008 11:08 pm

What's the adage about weight to lost hp? Every 5-10lbs lost is worth 1 horse gained (effectively felt, seat o' the pants type of thing)? If that's the case, I've got 3-5 ponies I could put back on the bike and save my poor lower back in the process.

Congrats on the loss! Lemme guess: you stopped eating fried foods and starting eating more fruits and veggies?
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Re: Topcase and engine guard for Baggy/Stiffy

Postby m4panther » Wed Apr 23, 2008 12:05 am

Pretty much and Don't forget the whole grains and I cut the red meat down to the point where I get sick if I eat it just pork and poultry now. No more fast food! I Make my own lunch. I went from spending about $40+/week eating out to $25 making my own. I ate a lot of soup and I get my fruit group from a friggin delmonte fruit cocktail can. no more little debbi snack cakes and I loved that little biotch...there's hope, it wasn't hard it started as a $10/month weigh in bet with a guy in my shop. keep this in mind I only jogged 3 or 4 times and went to the gym once. anyone can loose weight eat most of your calories in the morning and afternoon, snack sensibly, no soda, stay away from high fructose corn syrup and eat a light dinner before 9
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Re: Topcase and engine guard for Baggy/Stiffy

Postby AtomicSpew » Wed Apr 23, 2008 12:18 am

Sounds like all the pretty common sense stuff--the things we know are the right dietary ingredients, yet the most difficult to give up. Little Debbi never did much for me, but coffee-chip ice cream is my personal crack-whore. Oh yeah, and medium-rare red meat, and Oatmeal Stout, and...and... shit. This is going to be tough...(at least you didn't say eat dinner before 7 or 8....)
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Re: Topcase and engine guard for Baggy/Stiffy

Postby m4panther » Wed Apr 23, 2008 12:23 pm

"crack-whore"??? :lol: HELLLLLArious!!!
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