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PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 3:15 pm
by drj
i love my baggy - LOVE IT!!

and after i rode my friends 650GS i loved it even more...

however - the seat has to go...its almost unthinkable to consider riding on that for 500 miles in one day...

what are my options?


any pics would be nice too!!


PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 11:17 pm
by drj

i cant believe everyone keeps the stock way!!

it doesnt seem possible to ride 1500 miles in a couple of days with that seat (unless your ass is made out of titanium)...theres gotta be an option!!



PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 1:42 am
by beamisinbtw
There are a few pics of a baggy on looks cool but i havent investigated yet so... good luck im definitely changing it soon look to spend around 4-500 dollars though. B


PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 12:17 pm
seat link
here is link to a good looking seat
there are some other posts on the site about seats
one was a real good lookin job on an rt125 by sargent's i think

use seat in the search function at top of page and read posts
yes it get a lot of hits but your just looking at posts with the word seat
in them

PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 9:03 pm
by phlat65
I took the cover off of mine, and cut a step in the foam, so that the seating area is flatter, and sort of concave, and made a small relief where my boys are, it is not all day comfy, but tons better. I down about 2 inches about half way back on the seat, and tapered my cut to meet the tank junction. re-stapled the cover. I will take a pic if I can think about it. cost me $0.00. used a electric turkey knife.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 2:04 pm
by kman.45
Mine is the topic #1482 above. I can't say enough good about this seat. Any number of miles, any number of days, no problem. And I have an extremely sensitive ass (all kidding aside, that happens when you break your hips..) so you know it is awesome.


PostPosted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 2:09 pm
by drj
phlat65 wrote: cost me $0.00. used a electric turkey knife.

that is AWESOME!!

but i do like the seat on the red baggy quite a lot...looks comfy...and room for two...

richs custom seats huh??...problem is - im planning on riding to seattle - but if i cant do something about this seat first - ill be driving up instead.

my balls will thank me later.

say there that beer bash still on?


PostPosted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 10:07 pm
by phlat65
unfortunately the host of the party passed away this year, so the infamous 4th of july party has been put to rest.

But, we are having a bash on the 8th, moto track on site, lots of beer, maybe a band, and some mini bike Jousting.......

PostPosted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 8:25 pm
by drj

never made it to seattle...some things fell apart before my trip - so the vacation had to be cut short.

instead - i rode and camped my way up to monterey then back over 4 was ab-so-lute-ly beautiful. (ill post pics soon!)

and the baggy did MORE than fine - she kicked ass!!
(still havent done anything about the seat - so that kinda sucked - A LOT!)

i met a one legged man - and a slovakian who was (ironically) on his way up to seattle aparently on the trip i was meant to take. bastard.

ill get another chance before summer is over - and ill be sure to let you know.

hope the minibike jousting went well...

and my condolences to you for your friend.


PostPosted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 1:15 am
by phlat65
thanks.... we will see you up here sometime, I have a spare bed or 2, and limited garage space for bikes. we could go on an Island blast, maybe do the peninsula...

PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 9:27 pm
by drj
sounds killer!!

cant wait - i always wanted to see bremerton from my baggy...



PostPosted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 1:00 am
by Drew
Wait a minute.. You rode up to Monterey, and you didn't give Corbin a call first?! They'd be willing to work with you, I bet.

I just read a story on a guy with a KTM 625SMC who was having seat-issues, and they made him a seat. And that bike is the one pictured!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 2:16 am
by drj
actually i did...and not only could they accomodate my needs - they could do it while i waited!!

the only problem is - it was first come first serve on saturday (the 1st of july - the busiest weekend of the summer for them) which meant that instead of riding 350+ miles in two days i wouldve had to have done it in 5 hours (i got off work fri night @ 2am)...not cool.

basically - it was not possible...but a good option for the near future...and a good reason to make another road trip up north.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 11:37 am
by MSW
drj, did you talk to the Corbin folks about the Baggy seat? I'm curious to know what they think they can do with it. I'm one of the few who don't mind the shape (I'm not looking for a touring-saddle-like addition, as others have had done). I think I'd just be happy with a foam and cover upgrade. I'd be curious to know if they think they can work with the original shape.

I'll be heading down that way for Moto GP next week. Maybe I can stop by on Thursday and talk to them.


PostPosted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 12:18 pm
by drj
they said they can do it 'while you wait' - and although they had not done a baggy yet - they WERE firmiliar with the bike...

i wouldve been the first. now it looks like i may be the 2nd.

and what do you mean you 'dont mind the shape'?!
are you INSANE??!!?(kidding of course)
its nice enough around town - but on a long ride - its another story all me!!

this is hands down the most awkward riding position (forward on your nuts) ive ever seen in a stock seat...there isnt a flat spot to be found...and it ALL rolls forward.

good luck - may the best seat win.
