CM´s Baghira....Version 2.0

A community for owners and riders or MZ Motorcycles, Scooters, and ATVs.
CM wrote:I´m living in Cuxhaven. It´s next to Bremerhaven oder Hamburg and yes, the house was a farm.
CM wrote:Brembo P4 4 caliper brake, a Nissin 5/8 pump (from a Suzi TL 1000 or Yamaha R1 from ´02 etc.), custom made caliper adapter based on the SPIEGLER adapter, different brake line and a BRAKING 320mm disk. I´ve changed the pads to something better, SBS pads, art. number 566RS. They do their job very well.
Spiegler don´t built the adapter anymore, so they send me the plans of it and a other firm made it for me.
CM wrote:You must set the front wheel for ca. 2mm to the right because the disk slides at the fork if you don´t do that.
CM wrote:the TÜV
cat wrote:CM wrote:the TÜV
Something we do not have yet.
Sourcer wrote:cat wrote:CM wrote:the TÜV
Something we do not have yet.
Don't say that, 272 Management System Certificates has been issued by TÜV CERT to South Africa.
cat wrote:what?! you are joking!![]()
Sourcer wrote:cat wrote:what?! you are joking!![]()
No! I read that on their homepage.
cat wrote:I think this means that the components made in SA that are used in Mercedes, Ford, BMW, VW, etc., can be used in Europe ...that sort of thing?
cat wrote:...It does mean that eventually they will make the laws to control you making modifications to your vehicles. Already we must pay $$ every 4-5 years to "renew" our drivers licence.
CM wrote:The disk is from a Yamaha XT 600X....I guess. Just ask for a disk with a "Lochabstand" from 150mm and a "Innendurchmesser" of 132mm.
You don´t need a distance piece for the disk. The outer ring is a little bit "ausgerückt" and is next to the wheel, not in it like the original one.
I´ll go on with the discribtion in one I´m eating