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Testing CDI unit

PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2023 8:09 pm
by acepants
Hey folks.
I've just got my hands on an MZ powered Tigcraft Supermono bike that hasn't moved in 30 years, and have been going through it getting ready to (hopefully) start it up. The bike literally last ran in a race then was put in the garage and remained there until I pulled it out and put it in a van.

The question I have is about the ignition box. There's really very little wiring on it at all.
Total loss system, so a battery, a coil, ignition pickup, a kill switch, and the 'black box'. That's everything.
I've tested the igntion pickup and get correct resistance reading, and also tested the coil and both primary and secondary windings give correct values also. When I connect a battery, power goes through the kill switch and the coil also powers up - so far great news.
I'd like to see if anyone knows if its possible to test getting a spark. Some bike's I've had, when you have ignition powered up, then flip kill switch, the coils discharge and you get a spark. Not so on this bike, so are there any ways I can test getting a spark without cranking the engine? There's no charging system, no starter motor, nothing. Perhaps bridging the wires from the pickup for a moment would do it, or is that a stupid idea?
I tried putting the bike in gear on a stand with the plug out resting on an earth point and turning the engine over by rotating the back wheel - no dice.
Likely to be fitting an TCIP unit but would ideally like to get some noise out of it before deciding what to spend the money on.
Any advice appreciated.

Re: Testing CDI unit

PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 10:12 am
by Retired1
The question will be how fast did you get it to turn over? I'm not sure of the low speed threshold but I would think its over 50 rpm or so for the magnet to excite things.
I've also had issues with grounding the plug on the head/case etc. I try and use a jumper wire for a secure connection, it's caught me out more than once!
Unless it crapped out during it's last race and the disgusted owner just parked it and forgot about it!

Re: Testing CDI unit

PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 5:59 am
by Puffs

Re: Testing CDI unit

PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 1:03 pm
by DII
If you thinking of a Ignitec tcip it's a nice investment already now.
Lots of adjustments can be done and you could change the rpm limiter, shift light and so on..
If you don't want to blow the engine into pieces? Don't go over 8000 rpm. All according to a well know tuner of the xt660z motor here in Sweden. (He would know. Up to 75 bwhp with diffrent set ups)
You can also trigg the spark trough the computer by the way.

Re: Testing CDI unit

PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2023 5:06 am
by acepants
Ended up with it being a single slightly dry solder joint on the board.
Problem solved, happy days.
AND the ignitech arrived 1 day after I ordered it - great service from them.

Re: Testing CDI unit

PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2023 5:25 pm
by tigcraft
@acepants Which Tigcraft is it? Any pics?