JSC_SLP wrote:The guy I bought my bike from didn't have the tool kit for it. Does anyone have an idea where I can come across a spanner wrench to adjust the rear suspension? I've been everywhere around the town in which I live and no one seems to have anything even close. I've even toyed with the idea of fabricating one.
Hook spanners... specific ones like the WP one that comes with the bike, Progressive Suspension one I have that fits on a 3/8" drive and does not work very well [for me] because of the usual access problems, and I've seen an adjustable one.
There's one that is like a bent screwdriver with a blunted edge, and that's probably the best - unless you strip half the bike to get to the shock.
On my KDX I gave up with the spanner and used a steel rod, which was ok because the lock ring and adjuster ring are stamped steel. On the WP shock's alloy rings, you'd need an alloy drift.
If you need a picture of the stock one to make a template from, I'll post one, but I think it might be easier to modify a screwdriver, or get an alloy rod and square one end to fit the rings.
The main thing is to lubricate the thread with some spray oil.