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Baghira running issue
Sun Mar 15, 2020 9:56 am
by rodge70
Having a few running issues with my baghira which I think were carb related but when it decides to cut out I'm getting a very : loud heavy mechanical bang.any clues would be helpful
2008 with 22000 miles.tia rodge
Re: Baghira running issue
Mon Mar 16, 2020 5:52 am
by Puffs
That sounds worrying Rodge.
Can it be too much slack in the timing chain?
A worn timing chain will also result in retarded valve timing, which makes the engine run sluggish.
Re: Baghira running issue
Mon Mar 16, 2020 4:10 pm
by rodge70
think the bang is from one way clutch on starter as had the same noise on my ttr250 years ago and apparently a sign of the sprag clutch worn,bought new one and that sorted it,but will have to dig a bit deeper as bike runs rough at the mo since i parked it up 6 weeks ago.have cleaned carbs and that improved it slightly but still not as crisp as it usually is and a lot of popping on the over run.