Super high milege Panther...

Black Panther/Street Moto, Baghira, Enduro, Mastiff, Skorpion Traveller and Tour.

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Super high milege Panther...

Postby dmon722000 » Mon Nov 28, 2005 12:38 pm

I have a 2002 Panther H/R w/ 49,000 km. It never let me down, quite possibly indestructable. One day the shift fork and gear #2 decided they didnt want to play any longer. I replaced them and tossed in a +1mm piston for good mesure (O.E.M. Yamaha 101mm). Ive used Motorex exclusivly in the motor since the first 500 mile service and everything looked great on the inside. I'm still on the original clutch also. Now that I have a car I dont play around to much lately and now that the weather is getting cooler I want to ride. BUT, the carb's (stock w/bikeworx jet kit) need some rebuilding. MZ North America is no more, where can I get a re-build kit for them. Will the later model XT-660 kits work? Any suggestions would be great. I say kit due to the fact that the diaphframs may be knackered also. Please help...
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Postby keithcross » Mon Nov 28, 2005 1:59 pm

I also have a high milage Baghira . Just chaned to 58000kms on the way to work today. My engine went bang at 38000 kms, big end failed taking out the oil pump and piston/barrel. I managed to get another motor for £230 from a Yamaha XTZ660.
For part try a company in the UK called BSA Regal. They will ship abroad and take credit cards for payment.
The engine is, with the exception of the MZ badge on the clutch cover, the same as the Yamaha XTZ and SRZ 660 modles sold in Europe. The new XT 660 has a single fuel injection system so fitting this could envolve a lot of work.
For second hand parts look on Ebay UK
Best of luck

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Thanks Bro...

Postby dmon722000 » Mon Nov 28, 2005 6:21 pm

I was real pleased w/ the torque increase from the +1 piston and jet kit. I have had the bike sit too long and I fear the carbs are the cause for my mid range surging and poor off throttle performance (it surges). It kinda farts and sneezes at steady mid throttle (3,500 <4k rpm). It used to run like a raped ape a year ago so I'll try to source the parts from somewhere soon. I'll check out the link you suggested also. I'll get a pic of my bike to you. I mounted an ARROW carbon can in the KTM style 45 deg. angle. It looks pretty cool if I dont say so myself... I have a Ti. Handle bars and the motor protector (MZ option). Never crashed it and I ride the crap out of this bike, I'm astonished of its durability. I talk to you soon. Dwight

ps. I heard that people are leaning twards the Conti Road atttack... I use the Maxxis Goldspeed series supermoto tyre. It kicks so much ass they are shaped like a vee (cross section) when your leaned over there is like a freakin mile of rubber to mess with I highly recommend them and they are accurate SM tread pattern rather than a road bike (boring, yawn) tread. Three different compounds, slick, and semi-slick.... they rock!!!
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Postby keithcross » Tue Nov 29, 2005 4:33 am


I run a BSM Future pipe which I like. Not to much noise, but a bit louder and lighter than standard. It aldso has the advantage that the carbs dont need re-jetting. A thought on you running problems, have you checked the jets are right for this mod?
As for tyres I use an Avon Distanza rear and have used an Avon rain on the front with a great deal of sucess. I am currently using a Michelen Pilot full race wet on the front which supplies good grip :D Not sure about wear yet, but I have another in the shed in readyness.

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Just some chat

Postby dmon722000 » Tue Nov 29, 2005 8:39 am

I used the Bridgstone BT-020's when I was doing my commute (120 miles round trip a day) they wore like iron and were as capable in any of my driving moods. I switched to the Goldspeed rubber when I got a job closer to home. They are gummy like a pencil eraser "always on" traction, need no real warm-up and they are pretty inexpensive. I have the Pilot race in the shed, but may never use it cause I cant expect it to be much better than what I got, but when I wear out the front I'll use it cause it was free. I have a few spares. Gas tank (new 2004/5, fits all years), stock cam (no gear or decompress stuff), a few front fenders (scratched). Let me know...
ps.. the jetting was sourced from a company called Bikeworx, I have delt with them in the past and my first riding impressions (about a year ago) was hell yeah! Easy starting, good idle, and hella performance. I let the bike sit for a year and blamo, problems. I will re-build the cargs and see whats up then.
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Postby whysub01 » Tue Nov 29, 2005 10:18 am

Recently had my 78,000 mile lump tuned (not found the time to plumb it in to one of my other bikes, nor decided which one it should go in).

the builder said it had remarkably little wear on it. (gudgeon pin worn, cam chain within limits, but replaced, as was the conrod). Fifth gear was also perfect.

Frequent oil & filter changes, plus allowing the engine time to warm before revving it hard pays dividends.
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BSA Regal web address help...

Postby dmon722000 » Sun Dec 04, 2005 1:26 pm

Hey Keith, what is the actuall web address for BSA Regal, there are too many links that pop up on a yahoo search. I want to get a carb kit asap. Please help. Dwight
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Postby keithcross » Sun Dec 04, 2005 4:51 pm


Try this address

also try a search on

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Postby DarthRider » Thu Dec 08, 2005 11:48 am

Hey Dwight it's Mike. Whuzup!?! Listen to the guy above you!! I just ordered a coil for my MZ 1000S from there and it was at my house in less than 6 business days and the prices are better than in the States. The shipping was only like $14.00 also. I'm buying all my MZ1000S parts from them. They are a pleasure to deal with. HASSLE FREE and they know about MZ parts.
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