Right here is one for you guru's
2004 MZ Mastiff completely stock apart from a GPR exhaust system with the baffle still in.
Brand new spark plug fitted, fresh Shell fuel, carb mixture setting is as it should be stock (2 & 1/2 turns out).
I have ran it with a stock mixture setting and it pops and bangs on the over run really badly and very loudly!!!
I removed the plug to check it and it is white on the ground electrode which suggests running lean despite the electrode tip itself was a nice brown/grey colour so the mixture could not of been that far off.
Obviously the popping and banging during the over run does suggest a lean mixture anyway!
So to typically richen the mixture, you turn it in on most motorcycles HOWEVER I have came across 1 or 2 bikes in my time that work the other way round :-/
So I turned the mixture screw in a 1/2 turn from stock (so 2 turns out) which has made no difference on a small ride so I have turned it a 1/2 turn out from stock (so 3 turns out) also to no avail... it still pops and bangs loudly on the over run ???
So my first question is-
1- what way does the mixture screw work on this bike? Does it need to be turned in or out to richen or lean the mixture?
And 2- is anyone else running a stock bike with an exhaust system and still using the baffle? If so, what mixture setting have you found best for your bike???
All info is much appreciated
Thanks fellow MZ'ers