Silver Star Classic windshield

I've been wanting to fit a small windshield to my Silver Star, but most of what I found was either too small to do much or a bit on the expensive side. After seeing a Moto Guzzi Breva 750 windshield on another bike, I decided to try one on my MZ Silver Star. Ordered one from MG Cycle and it arrived today. The MZ has a bigger headlight than the Guzzi, so I had to spread it open a bit to fit down over the "ears". Other than than that, it bolted right on, fits like it was made for the bike and (IMO) looks great. I will have to fabricate two short brackets to control/adjust the angle of the windshield, but that's easy enough.

Curves around the warning light pod perfectly

Will make some brackets to go between the lower headlight ear screw and the rear hole of the 'shield, then it'll be done.

Curves around the warning light pod perfectly

Will make some brackets to go between the lower headlight ear screw and the rear hole of the 'shield, then it'll be done.