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Adding electric start?
Sun Sep 08, 2013 1:11 pm
by davegsm82
Is it possible to add an electric start to a 500 Rotax engine? or would this require a completely new engine casing?
Thanks, Dave.
Re: Adding electric start?
Sun Sep 08, 2013 4:23 pm
i think it can be done
but probably expensive and on the bike you want to do it to is the frame in the way
i think the harris matchless 1988 the frame gets in the way maybe
american dirt bike and ron wood racing is the place to ask
first thing in the morning if you live in a hilly town is bump start it off a hill
in 2nd or 3rd gear
also if it has the dellorto carb it may be an easy kick
mine has a bing and it is a beast
keep in mind i got spoiled on the kicking part
i road /2 bmw for 40 years they were sweet if your ankle was sore you could hand start them
oh the joys of low compression
Re: Adding electric start?
Sun Sep 08, 2013 5:02 pm
by davegsm82
I hope it can be done, as I've just won the bike on ebay, sorry if I was bidding against any of you guys on here.
I'm used to starting the 301, and to be fair that was a pig before I converted to CDI Ignition.
It would certainly be a novelty to have E-start, but not utterly essential.
Re: Adding electric start?
Mon Sep 09, 2013 12:34 pm
by mzredstar
yep thats why i stopped bidding realised it was the wrong engine in it