well if you have a 500 follow
this thread to remove the sprag.
if you have the 125 or any other bike with this type of sprag (ducati bmw ect ect) then you'll have to figure how to remove the sprag your self
and way once you have removed the sprag you'll find it looks like this
not to worry it is redeemable, and you dont have to spend a 100quid or a few hundred dollars to buy a new one
running around the circumfrance of the sprag in a groove in the center is a spring
basically lay the sprag flat and dig the spring out
now once the spring is out move the spring around untill you find the join, its the point where one side of the spring screws into the other,
now you have to cut about 1 inch (possibly more depending on how streched the spring is)
you have to cut the spring at the
tail end of the spring!! you need the narrow end to screw back into the new cut end
after you have cut the spring then screw the 2 ends back togeather
funtimes, now slip the spring back onto the sprag
jobs a good'un
make sure the teeth (lobes) are all facing the same direction
and thats it. jobs done
nice and easy, time to re-install
"Don't... Don't put the noodles and the dumplings together in the boat. They'll fight! The noodles are bullies. Poor dumplings."