by stinkybob » Sat Aug 02, 2014 9:07 pm
You're going to hate me for this but I don't use two stroke oil at all anymore. For the last ten or so years I've been using diesel at a ratio of one liter diesel to one gallon of petrol and it works better. It keeps the engine internals cleaner and creates far less exhaust clogging and piston carbon. I also don't use that ghastly BVF carb abomination on my engine anymore. I have a modified 1-1/2" SU which works FAR better. Also I have replaced my coil with a car coil and have adapted Suzuki GT380 points to it which work a thousand times better than the bog standard MZ shite. I also run two condensers and use long spark plugs to increase compression. I shall run away and hide now before the proper MZ Nerds come for me with pitchforks and burning torches.