ETZ 251 lurching on closed throttle

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ETZ 251 lurching on closed throttle

Postby Paul50 » Sun Apr 27, 2014 6:35 am

Hello. I have a 1994 ETZ251 lux. It lurches badly when going downhill on a closed throttle, apart from that there are no issues. Any suggestions please?
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Re: ETZ 251 lurching on closed throttle

Postby arry_b » Sun Apr 27, 2014 9:52 am

Let me guess, this is your first MZ250, yes?

"They all do that, Sir."

You can minimise it by dropping the tickover to zero, but then you'll need to give the throttle the odd blip when you're stopped at the lights. This is what most MZ 250 riders do, it's far less obtrusive than the engine feeling like it's making a bid for freedom on the over-run.
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Re: ETZ 251 lurching on closed throttle

Postby vicar » Sun Apr 27, 2014 1:31 pm

I have fitted an aftermarket Jap style kill switch to mine, flick it off on the way down the hill and flick it back on near the bottom. Fantastic backfire in the exhaust big puff of blue smoke and the car that has been tailgating you backs right off, and very little carbon build up in the exhaust as its on the bonnet /hood of the tailgater........Mz Fun......
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Re: ETZ 251 lurching on closed throttle

Postby Paul50 » Tue Apr 29, 2014 2:27 pm

Thank you gentlemen. I will turn the idle down and the kill switch sounds like great fun. Where I live in Matlock there are lots of long hills!
Truth is I did have a TS250 Supa 5 years ago, and that didn't idle (or lurch very much.)
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Re: ETZ 251 lurching on closed throttle

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Tue Apr 29, 2014 3:16 pm

the big suzuki 3 cyl 750 did it bad when trying to idle along in a traffic jam
we called it surge
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Re: ETZ 251 lurching on closed throttle

Postby MichaelTorre » Tue Apr 29, 2014 9:24 pm

I ran the 3 cylinder 750 Suzuki's for 12 years. I would be interested in the comparison between the 250 that I own (which has not run yet) and the Suzuki.
I also owned a complete line of 3 cyl Kawasaki smoke making machines, thinking back,
I thought the 750 Kawasaki was the most noticeable if the lot. But I still made 1000 mile vacations
on the thing.

I honestly thought it was normal and I didn't think twice about it .
I would have to grab the clutch once a while when it got too rommpy but other
than that I didn't think twice about the chatter and surge.
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Re: ETZ 251 lurching on closed throttle

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Tue Apr 29, 2014 10:03 pm

some are bad about it others not ..
its caused by fuel build up in the crankcase it loads up then it burns out lean
some bikes can be adjusted to the point its not too bad
others you learn to live with
one of the best 2 smoker daily drivers was the T500 suzuki
but you could run up a gas bill with it if you got the cruise speed up high on a trip
Dave 2002 MZ RT125+1995 Saxon Tour(500cc)
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