I am Casting about looking for a plentifull supply of two stroke oil to run in my 1974 es 250 MC.
The Walmart super tech is tempting at nine bucks a gallon and the Pennzoil is tempting at 12 bucks a gallon.
They're listed as suitable for water cooled moters , outboard boat motors.
What say you ?
I am loath to plunk down 15 bucks a quart for this synthetic stuff at the
bike dealerships uh call me old fashion but that seems a little ridiculous.
For what its worth the "super tech" has a rating of TC-3.
And I am not going to pour 30wt crank oil in my gas, unless it is the
end of the world as we know it.
Unless I am all wet I , plan to mix it at 30/1 ratio, and richen the mixture to balance the temperature.