improving drum brakes

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improving drum brakes

Postby DessieH » Fri Aug 19, 2011 10:26 am

Has anyone in the club ever tried to improve their drum brakes by getting the drum and the brake shoes skimmed so that they are a perfect fit together? If so , does it work and who does it ? There seems to be lots of stuff on the internet about it, recommending it highly, but it appears to be mainly for big lorries. A friend of mine reckons you would get a "snatch " effect which could throw you over the handlebars-----is he right or wrong?
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Re: improving drum brakes

Postby Old Dog » Fri Aug 19, 2011 4:09 pm

I have never bothered with MZs although I did with Enfields 7"TLS and no you don't go over the handlebars, there is some improvement. Most of the problem is leverage, remember other vehicles us hydraulics to move the shoes. SRM in Aberystwyth will do it, was somewhere in the region of 120 pounds a few years ago.
All the best

Old Dog

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