Swinging Arm on a TS150

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Swinging Arm on a TS150

Postby vanners[ts150] » Fri Apr 29, 2011 10:30 am

Can anyone assist please, I've got my TS150 down to the bare bones ready for blasting and powder coating. I want to do the swinging arm as well. The question is about the Swinging Arm bushes. They are an inner steel sleeve in rubber, but I can't see the outer diameter part of the bush is it steel or is it just rubber pressed directley into the swinging arm.
Can it be removed without destroying the bush or can I leave it in whilst its being baked in the powder coating oven at 180 degrees without it getting damaged?
1983 TS150, 2011 Yamaha Vity 125
Posts: 15
Joined: Tue Apr 12, 2011 1:06 pm
Location: Blackburn, Lancshire

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