by Louis Mair » Tue Apr 26, 2011 6:23 am
I guess you've found what you need to know by now. However I can still offer a little moral support to anyone interested in fitting a Honda front wheel. The first point to note is that the Honda brake drum cannot be fitted to the MZ wheel. The MZ drum is 'deeper' (more recessed) into the hub. You can fit a complete Honda wheel.
There are two Honda wheels to choose from: CB 350 (8'' dia.?) or CB 175 (7'' dia.?). The Honda wheels have steel rims and the steering is worse though the braking is better. I have been told that it would be theoretically possible to lace the Honda hub to the MZ (aluminium alloy) rim.
To fit the entire Honda wheel is pretty easy. You'll need one spacer on the axle (spindle). You need to swap the fork legs to get the anchor on the other side. I recall making a long split and hollow spacer to adapt the MZ cable; a Honda cable is probably a good idea.
[27 April 2011: The above is based on fitting 18" Honda wheels to TS250/1 (5-gang / 5-speed). For the 7" brake there is a 5mm spacer on the left and a 21mm spacer (pile of washers) on the right. The 8" brake has no spacer on the left and what looks like a standard Honda spacer (with dust-seal) on the right. Both Honda wheels and the MZ one have the same rim width (i.e. use a 2.75x18 tyre).]
Like most of these projects the end result is immensely satisfying and of debatable practical value.