New guy here. Just clocked about 600 miles on my new Baghira SM and am embarrased to drive it with that dirt bike exhaust so I took it all apart tonight and am proceeding with my interpretation of what exhaust should be.
I've got a can from a stock 748 Ducati coming tomorrow and will start with that for the silencer (they are a dime a dozen because of the frequency of change outs) a local shop is bending up a 1 3/4" piece of SS tubing to run up along the fender to the underseat can. I am going to add a bit of heat shielding in the battery box area and fire it up.
If any of you guys see any problems here that I don't let me know. I know I am going to have mounting issues with the can and I am thinking it may be too quiet but I like quiet and I could core it a bit I guess. I suppose I'll lose a bit of suspension travel but I am trying to keep everything up tight to the top and I am more of a poser than a real rider so it shouldn't be much of an issue. I have as yet to fiqure out what I am going to do for rear lighting and plate bracket but that seems like the easy part (famous last words) I'll put some pics up in the next day or so.