crush washers for oil drain (sump) plug for mz baghira 02.

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crush washers for oil drain (sump) plug for mz baghira 02.

Postby ntula » Fri Jan 29, 2010 2:42 am

crush washers for oil drain (sump) plug for mz baghira 02.

what are some that i can use, .. it's that time again.. :-D

the yamaha part for the 660 raptor is, 214-11198-01-00 yamaha calls it a GASKET, and it is aluminum, the one's i have been using were copper.

does it matter, i did notice the copper ones were thinner. what size do i need, 12 or 14mm. can i just use the same one i have ... i mean i used the same one on a kawi zx10 for nearly 70k miles with no leaks
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Re: crush washers for oil drain (sump) plug for mz baghira 02.

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Fri Jan 29, 2010 9:52 am

look at it close it should be clean and shiny on both faces
Dave 2002 MZ RT125+1995 Saxon Tour(500cc)
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Re: crush washers for oil drain (sump) plug for mz baghira 02.

Postby kman.45 » Fri Feb 05, 2010 2:02 pm

ntula wrote:crush washers for oil drain (sump) plug for mz baghira 02.

what are some that i can use, .. it's that time again.. :-D

the yamaha part for the 660 raptor is, 214-11198-01-00 yamaha calls it a GASKET, and it is aluminum, the one's i have been using were copper.

does it matter, i did notice the copper ones were thinner. what size do i need, 12 or 14mm. can i just use the same one i have ... i mean i used the same one on a kawi zx10 for nearly 70k miles with no leaks

I use the Yamaha part. Can't remember that number off the top of my head, but I think I actually referenced it back to an SRX600 or something, the 11198 portion seems familiar. The aluminum ones really aren't a washer, like you'd find on brake hose. It's more of a crushable multilayer thing, the inner layer is convex and I you flatten that part out. I have used mine for quite a few oil changes, and just change them now and then before it rips or starts to leak (much).
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