I've been running my ETZ251 with a home made (read bodged) reed valve holder and a cut down RD350 vale for the last few weeks and have decided it's something i'd like to keep. Unfortunately, i'm less than confident in my hodge podge of box section and gasket sealant that's currently holding it on and looking for something more weapons grade.
Whilst all this has been going on I've got into 3d printing and thought it would be nice to 3d print a reed valve holder out of ABS plastic for the MZ. However, ABS has a relatively low melting point (around 105 degrees Celsius) and I was wondering if i'd get away with it if I was to screw a 3d printed holder onto the inlet? There's a piece of what looks like bakelite that goes in there normally and I could keep that, I'm also open to building heat sinks into the design.
Does anyone know what kind of temperatures are hit at the inlet port?