The reg/rec saga goes on! Having watched a couple of videos on youtube, I learned how to test the diodes properly and annoyingly enough, they all look good (consistent zeros and ~0.52 on diode check). The voltage at the battery never goes above about 14.7v when revved.
One thing to get your input on is this. I've read talk about a sign of reg/rec failure is lights getting brighter with revs. My certainly get a bit brighter between idle revs and riding revs. I've always assumed that's normal but maybe not........?
When I was checking the reg/rec with the meter, I noticed that 2 of the wires appear to be reversed when compared to the bike side of the connector. I've uploaded the pic to flickr You'll see that the brown and black/red wires are reversed. I switched them over to see what would happen and blew a fuse straight away so swapped them back. I'm assuming the wire mismatch isn't normal but know that the previous owner buggered about with the wiring so not sure if that's the cause.........?????!!! Any thoughts?
Last question the reg/rec for a Mastiff/Baghira the same as a Skorpion?
A breaker on ebay tells me they are the same unit but someone else selling new replacements have them listed as different with the Skorpion unit being £35 and the Mastiff one at £125!