by Blurredman » Tue Aug 25, 2015 5:46 am
Well, you know what they say. Don't get fixated on a probable solution when it might not even be it.
The carburettor was cleanest it could be, all up to spec and ready to go. No air leaks, no issues on fuel delivery from tank.
I decided it could not be the carburettor anymore. After all, this issue somewhat ocured minimally at first and then expanded into a constant annoyance. Cleaning the carburettor did absolutely nothing to resolve this the first time around, although it did give me a a negligable feel in power back.
I checked the points. Which I admit I knew they were a little worn, but it was timed correctly. How wrong I was to dissasociate the problem with the points as when I took them off to have a closer look it was obvious that they were well worn infact they may even be the originals which is quite possible considering the bike has done 25,000 miles now.
I changed the points for a new set I had spare, timed it correctly and gapped it correctly and oh my a much bigger spark and a heck of a lot smoother and I don't think it's a placebo effect. The bike used to be very smooth when deaccelorating which I knew was wrong, where is the well documented 'lurching' that occurs on a standard and up to spec machine? It was not there. Not it is back. And idles properly now too. I could never get a steady/constant idle recently. But now after braking for lights etc it sticks to 1,500 for a few seconds and then slowly decreases to around 1,300-1,200 like it should, and indeed used to.
I didn't listen to my own advice that I normally give, don't skip components just because they 'used to work fine'. The points were off centre by half of the contact and a big stepped plateau had been created. Not to mention the bottom contact no longer had any flint (i know it's not flint but i've forgotten what it really i). I don't know whether that was normal on the original component but it has the flint (i know it's not flint but i've forgotten what it really i) on both contacts on the new points set.