hello from ireland

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hello from ireland

Postby eire1400 » Sat Jun 21, 2014 1:08 am

Just took a test drive on a 03 baghira black panther last night.. Had never even seen one in the flesh! Owner is sleeping on my offer, hopefully he'll get back to me today and it'll be mine by tonight! Bike itself was clean enough only 8k klms on it, had been dropped at some stage on the left hand side, switch gear took the brunt of
it, working but could need replacing over winter. After market pipe on it too (with a removable baffle). Think it may need re getting to suit, wasn't as mad so though it was going to be. Still liked it a lot, much different to the daily ride bmw1150Gs. Loads of q's to follow no boubt. Nice to meet you all Shane
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Location: Cork

Re: hello from ireland

Postby den » Sat Jun 21, 2014 4:03 am

top of the morning to yah,,
and welcome

i also found my bike not as mad as i thought it would be!
i find i'm just getting somewhere with the response and the rev limiter cuts in ,,but i think this is normal for a big single.
with out the rev limiter the engine would just go on and on till it explodes,,ouch
Ive rejetted mine and done other mods and think its far better than stock now,
how much is he asking for the bike??
what colore.
did you check engine numbers and frame numbers on v5,,
Oh mutly,,you did it again,she he he he he ehheheheh
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Re: hello from ireland

Postby eire1400 » Sun Jun 22, 2014 4:52 am

Its a black 03 with 8k klms. Deal is done, 1300 euro, it'll cost me 100 to get on Irish plates. The frame and engine numbers.match v5. And done a reg check on the English plate. Mots and all to match. Happy enough with the deal. Can you remember what size jets you went to and needle notches etc
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Joined: Sat Jun 21, 2014 12:52 am
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