front and rear hubs for a baghira

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front and rear hubs for a baghira

Postby patsoc » Thu Feb 22, 2007 1:50 am

I am trying to build a set of 17" wheels for my baghira enduro which has 21"/18" wheels. I want to lace the hubs to exel rims and stainless spokes. I would even buy a complete 17" used wheelset.
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Postby DEmark » Thu Feb 22, 2007 5:38 pm

I have a front hub off a xt600 yamaha that I will sell you. It is identical to the Baghira front hub, however the axle is a different diameter on the xt600 so you will have to install new bearings with the proper internal diameter and buy or fabricate the wheel bearing spacer. $25 plus $40 for shipping to Hawaii and it's yours.

I also have a 18 x 21 set of wheels for a Baghira that I am going to list on ebay soon, they might go pretty cheap.
2000 Skorpion Tour (bought new, died at 47,000 miles-small end rod failure)
2003 Baghira Enduro (bought new, died at 36,000 miles-small end rod failure)
2001 Baghira Motard (bought used with 4k miles on it, still trying to kill it)
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Postby Randew2U » Tue Mar 06, 2007 11:30 pm

Hey DEmark, Please email me when you list the wheels! Thanks
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