2000 Skorpion Tour ++Trade for Baggy / Enduro++

Moderators: DAVID THOMPSON, phlat65, Brian

2000 Skorpion Tour ++Trade for Baggy / Enduro++

Postby J-Ball » Fri Aug 21, 2009 11:44 am

I've got a 2000 Skorpion Tour in good condition, 10k miles, new SM tires, daily rider. I'm interested in trading for a Baggy or Black Panther with OFF ROAD WHEEL SIZE, not SM size. I dig my bike but I need more of an on road /off road bike due to my riding situation. Can offset price differnce with cash if the situation calls for it. Skorpion is not in collector condition, its a rider and has been laid down once. Overall great condition, excellent mechanical condition. Super fun bike, very reliable, get lots of attention with this bike, again, I just need a more off road capable bike. Bike is located in Central Texas, will travel.

He's some pix of how it looks now.
Jason's 027.jpg
Jason's 027.jpg (288.77 KiB) Viewed 1365 times
MMS_Resized_Pix.jpg (121.33 KiB) Viewed 1365 times
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